Working holiday visa insurance Hong Kong WHV

About to be expatriated in Hong Kong for a WHV? And currently looking for an insurance for your working holiday visa Hong Kong (WHV)? Have a look on our selection of contracts. You can quote some solutions online. Otherwise, you have access to conditions and tariffs on the specific pages. If you need any support or advise, use the contact form.

Working holiday visa Hong KongWorking holiday visa Hong Kong – your WHV insurance

If you stay abroad 12 months or more, an expat plan is accurate.

Indigo Expat WeCare

Indigo Expat WeCare is a comprehensive plan. It is available for expatriates from EU (nationality). Or for expatriates having another nationality and residing in the EU. Finally, check conditions and do your quote online.

working holiday visa Hong Kong

web pageIndigo Expat WeCare (1st €)

Working holiday visa ArgentinaWorking holiday visa – WHV insurance

If you stay abroad 12 months or less, a “travel insurance” is convenient.

Start Expat

Start Expat is a pack, which includes medical, assistance and personal liability. The medical plan covers accident and unforseen illness. Finally, it fits for stays abroad between 1 and 12 months.

working holiday visa Hong Kong

web pageStart Expat

working holiday visa Hong Kong

Info on the working holiday visa Hong Kong

  • Age: between 18 and 30 yo 
  • Cost of the visa: –
  • Duration max: 12 months
  • Quota: yes (except for Australia and Sweden; also it is unlimited for holders of a BNO passport)
  • Requirements: approx. 2 500 Euro (« proof of financial resources to support his/her initial expenses ») + flight tickets
  • Insurance:  WHV insurance required
  • Jobs: –
  • Renewal: not possible

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) has established bilateral Working Holiday Scheme with the Government of New ZealandAustraliaIrelandGermanyJapanCanadaKoreaFrance, the United Kingdom, Austria, Hungary, Sweden, the Netherlands and Italy.

Update: August 2020

WHV form and request

web pageLabor Dept – rerquest for a  visa

web pageweb site of HKSAR

working holiday visa Hong KongUseful links for working holiday Hong Kong

First of all, please find here after useful web pages for medical and security aspects:

web pageChina on WHO web site

web pageHong Kong on

Then, you can have a look on this web site:

web pageHong Kong on Wikipédia

working holiday visa Hong Kong

People’s Republic of China

Hong Kong, officially the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, is a special administrative region on the eastern side of the Pearl River estuary in southern China.

Capital: Pékin

Main cities: Pékin, Shanghai, Canton , Shenzhen, Hong Kong

Currency: yuan or renminbi (CNY)

Area: 1,110 km²

Official language: Chinese, English, Cantonese

working holiday visa Hong Kong

Hong Kong welcomes with an iconic skyline, a legendary kitchen, and lush, protected nature where rare birds and colourful traditions thrive.

Source: Wikipedia, Lonely planet

working holiday visa Hong Kong

Legal consideratons for working holiday visa Hong Kong

Please note that subscribing to an international health insurance does not free you from local regulation. Our plans are not substitute for local mandatory insurances. The above data are just for information. Finally, it does not represent a legal advise or an advise.