Useful links to prepare your expatriation

Find here after useful links and information to prepare your stay abroad and expatriation.

useful links

Social Security

If you want to get useful information on bilateral agreement between France and another country, Cleiss can support you.

web page CLEISS (FR)

CFE and ONSS Outre Mer allow expatriates from France and Belgium to keep a relationship with the social security of their home country, during the expatriation.

web page L’ONSS Outre-Mer (B)

web page La Caisse des Français de l’Etranger (FR)

Register on these website if you are eligible! This information is important for your MOFA. It knows that you are located in a country, which is helpful in case of emergency.

web page Ariane (FR)

web pageTravellers online (B)

useful links

Useful information and links on medical aspects

Research, vaccination and travel. Get information on the following and specialized web sites. Get ready before depature, and reduce your risks as much as possible.

useful information Institut Pasteur de Lille

useful informationCenter for Disease Control

WHO proposes institutional information on countries all over the world.

useful information World Health Organization

useful links

Useful links for Mofa

There are plenty of information on MOFA’s websites. Therefore, do not hesitate to surf on them and to collect as uch info as you can.

useful informationMinistry of Foreign Affairs – France

useful information Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Belgium

MOFA of Luxembourg and MOFA of Switzerland.

useful information Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Luxembourg

useful information Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Switzerland


useful links

Legal considerations, useful information and links

Please note that subscribing to an international health insurance does not free you from local regulation, and our plans are not substitute for local mandatory insurances.