Young expatriates insurances

Young expatriates are part of the expatriates‘ population. Nevertheless, they have a specific profile (less illnesses, more accidents). That’s why there are some specific insurances available for young expats. Such as Indigo Expat Junior!

web pageIndigo Expat Junior

Other plans may be accurate, and offer a premium expressed by age. Therefore, young expatriates will benefit adjusted premiums.

Indigo Expat, comprehensive plans (≥12 months)

web pageIndigo Expat WeCare (1st €)

web pageIndigo Expat OnePack (CFE)

First & Relais Expat, expat plans (≥12 months)

web pageFirst & Relais Expat

Start Expat, travel insurance (≤12 months)

web pageStart Expat

young expats insurancesSpecificities of young expats insurances

Find here after a list of criteria, which show main differences between young and elder expatriates. These criteria define their profile, and probably needs for medical insurances.

Their age, of course!

This criteria corresponds for insurers to a decrease of premiums (lower risk) because young people are supposed to be in good state of health and less sick than older ones. This criteria also corresponds for insurers to a potential increase of premiums (higher risk) because of accidents (young expats are more subject to accidents because of their specific way to experience the country and life) 

Working holidays, studies, Au Pair …

Certain countries of expatriation welcome a lot of young expatriates every years. Here after some examples.

In these countries, the level of hospitals and/or medical practionners is good. And most of the time, it is possible to be hospitalized locally when required.

Lenth of stay

Also, the length of stay for young expatriates is often between 12 and 24 months, but it can easily vary.


This is probably the most important criteria for young expatriates who have most of the time a limited bugdet. Therefore, young expatriates have often a high motivation to buy a low premium coverage.

The above has been understood by most companies on the market, which propose low premiums packs or coverages. Please share experiences with other young expats on forums before subscribing to low premium packs. There are not all good ones! Because it is not that easy to propose good quality level services and low premiums at the same time.

young expats insurances

Our range of young expats insurances

Assurances et Conseils Moncey provides young expats with a selection of insurances. Our comparators include our own produtcs: Indigo Expat.

As you can note, some selected products have been developped especially for young expatriates. Most of the time, these produsts are packs and limit their medical coverage to unforseen ilness and accident. And some others just present attractive conditions for young expatriates, but are available for most expatriates.


young expats insurancesLegal considerations for young expats insurances

Please note that subscribing to young expats insurances does not free you from the local regulations. If you are eligible to contribute to the local healthcare system in certain countries and do not have local cover in place, you may be subject to paying a tax levy.