Relais & First Expat

First, First Expat is a fully private international medical insurance. ASFE proposes 4 levels of coverage with First Expat. I.e. Quartz is the lower level of coverage. Then, Pearl offers higher benefits and limits. Finally, Sapphire and Diamond offer the most comprehensive cover.

For those who are eligible to La Caisse des Français de l’Etranger (CFE), Relais Expat is available. That means that you have to subscribe first to the CFE. Expatriate do not have to subscribe to CFE because this is a fully private insurance (1st Euro).

First ExpatFirst Expat supports

First, read carefully the First Expat’s documents. If you have any question, feel free to contact us.

télécharger le document First Expat Table of Benefits

télécharger le document General conditions

relais expat

By using the button “I want a free quote” (here above), you can quote online. As you prefer, you can apply online. Or email us your scanned Application Form through the contact form.

télécharger le document Application form

télécharger le document IPID

First Expat

Relais Expat supports

First, read carefully the documents. If you have any question, feel free to contact us. Note that some documents are only available in French. In fact, Relais Expat mainly concerns French expats.

télécharger le document Table of Benefits

télécharger le document General Conditions

relais expat

By using the button “I want a free quote” (here above), you can quote online. As you prefer, you can apply online. Or email us your scanned Application Form through the contact form.

télécharger le document Bulletin d’Adhésion

télécharger le document IPID

First Expat

First & Relais Expat – zones of cover

To summarize, First Expat proposes 5 zones of cover. The zone of cover is defined, by default, with the country of expatriation. Thus, you have to select a higher zone of cover if you need. For example, to consider your home country or any other country. Higher zone of cover also means higher premiums. Finally, the 5 zones are the following:

The benefits also apply, in respect of Emergency care only*, worldwide outside the Selected coverage zone if in a Coverage zone higher than one selected, during temporary stays (for professional or leisure purposes) for less than 60 consecutive days.

* only if it is required following an Accident or sudden, unexpected and unforeseen Illness requiring surgery or Medical treatment which cannot wait until repatriation to the Main country of residence or the worsening of a serious Illness which poses an immediate and serious threat to the health of the Insured member.

First Expat

Claims administration of First & Relais Expat

First and Relais Expat products are administered by MSH International. With its 5 platforms worldwide, MSH offers a 24/7 service to its First or Relais Expat members. Finally, you are secured and you can call Helpline and obtain support in case of emergency.

web page MSH Intl

For any question you may have regarding the administration, you can probably find a response in the following guides for First or Relais Expat.

télécharger le documentMember guide – EN

télécharger le documentMember guide – FR

First Expat

Relais Expat, top-up to the CFE 

To subscribe to Relais Expat, you have to be insured by CFE. In fact, the CFE certificate is required for any enrolment under Relais Expat plan. CFE is available for any EU citizen expatriated outside the EU. Finally, Relais Expat does not provide coverage on top up to FrancExpat (for cares in France only).

télécharger le document CFE premiums


Relais Expat

Pay attention to local regulation with First Expat

Please note that First Expat does not free you from local regulations. Also, First Expat is not substitute for local mandatory insurances.